Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Wednesday Day 18 Week 9

Early Morning PT.
Some good pushups, sit ups and creative "rest" position (where you don't really rest). We then went and did some sprint a half lap, walk a quarter and so on.

Next was a great time. We went to Victory Ranch. Victory Ranch is a ministry of Cadence International Ministries. They specialize in ministry around the world to our military. They provide a place for retreats and bible studies. A really great ministry! They fed us, and gave us a day to "chill out". We got to watch (and critique) 4 sermons given by our platoon. Then people went out and did anything we wanted to. There was fishing, horse shoes, basketball, table tennis, and a bunch of other things. It was great!
We got a glimpse of a good ministry. This ministry is a good resource for the chaplain to be in touch with. A good note to self! When I get on active duty, I will look for them where ever we go.

Tuesday Day 17 Week 9

Morning PT. Good stuff, We did the "extra mile". A very large circle of exercises. Pushups, sit ups, ski jumper, ext.... A pretty good time.
Blue Force Tracker!
Cool stuff. Technology has come a long way since my days as a grunt. It seems everyone has a GPS that his hooked into a large command system. It is good stuff. Everyone sees where all the "blue" (good guys) forces are. Everyone also sees where the "red" (bad guys) are. It is like a very detailed video game. Only you can't control the pieces. We spent all day learning the basics on how to operate it. We are not experts by any stretch. We have a basic understanding of how it works. Thats about all I can say about it. You know security and all? Bottom line is, It helps us not to shoot each other. A good thing. Even if a Chaplain could shoot (I can, but won't. Part of the deal you know? It isn't our job) at an enemy.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Monday Day 16 Week 9

Well change in plans.
CHOBLC went to the "Confidence Course". I unfortunately got to go on sick call. Pink eye is so much fun. I went from the TMC (troop medical clinic) where the PA decided that it might be a good idea if I went to an optometrist. I spent the morning there. The rest of the day was spent on learning about "Solution based counseling". Good stuff.
A slight problem, my camera made its way up my parents house yesterday. There might be a shortage of pictures for a couple of days. Sorry!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sunday Day 15 Week 9

A low stress day. Lots of homework and spending time resting. Tomorrow should be pretty entertaining. Pictures should be good.

Saturday Day 14, Week 8

Spent the day with my parents. A very good day. My father is on his way to Sweden to work. He fixed my car in a few minutes. Took them to see the chaplain school. I wish the museum would be open on weekends. But they got to see the new school houses for the Navy and Air Force

Friday, July 24, 2009

Friday Day 13 Week 8

Wow, this was the best class since coming back! A hospital chaplain came in and gave a briefing on caring for the dying and the dead. His pastors heart came out. Very emotion charged stuff. Yet he kept giving us practical advice on how to be effective in the middle of very difficult situations. This was some of the best advice that we have received. I hope he comes back for more. He is the sort of Chaplain I want to be. Not necessarily a hospital chaplain, but a chaplain that ministers to soldiers first and always. You must be a quality staff officer in addition to being a good chaplain. In the military I have seen good staff officers that are lousy chaplains, they probably will get promoted and have great evaluations. But I will take care of soldiers. Period!
Tonight the chaplains from Sierra Leone are showing "Blood Diamonds". They are wanting our chaplains to understand what has happened in their country. They are also wanting to bring US Army chaplains over to help their chaplain corp to really get off the ground. What an exciting ministry opportunity! The only catch is that it is not assisted by the US Government. It will be all on our own dime if we go. The ministry "Olive branch" is the organization that is setting it up. We are really blessed to have the two "chiefs" of the chaplain branches of Sierra Leone (muslim and Christian) in our class. They are going through CHOBLC just like any other students. It has been a treat to get to meet them.
We have a diverse class. We have chaplains from Korea, Nigeria, Portugal, Vietnam. And this is just the ones I know of. In the other platoons there are others. All of these are American soldiers. But ethnically we are very diverse. Just like the Army. Imagine that! We even have 2 SEAL's. Not sure what country seals come from (ex-navy SEAL's that are now chaplains). I guess we let in "Jar heads" (marines) and "Airdales" (air force) so why not Squids (Navy)? Just kidding, my brothers and sisters from other branches bring some amazing skill sets and knowledge to the table and we are VERY LUCKY to have them.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Thursday Day 12 Week 8

Parris Island.
We were in formation at 4:40 AM to load busses at 5:00 AM. But we drove to Parris Island Marine recruit depot to find out how Chaplain's work with marines. The Marines don't have chaplain's so the Navy provides them. You can see that the Chaplain's that volunteer to work with marines LOVE their marines. Pretty cool.
It was a long day. We got to play basic training a bit. Not to bad though. It was just lunch. It was a Marine chow hall. Several of the prior service marines were having "flash backs" to their "FUN" experience they had at Parris Island. I am pretty sure they are VERY glad that the Army chaplaincy is not like that.
Forgot the camera, I will try and get pics from others. Later.
Did you know that a chipmunks memory only lasts three days? gotta love animal planet.

Wednesday Day 11 Week 8

Wow, more death by power point. It is very interesting to see how the Army responds to public events. We learned how to handle "sacred texts" that are needing to be destroyed. The whole presentation could have been shortened to a sentence or two. Oh well, we know the correct way in detail.
We had a barbeque that the Hotel put on for us. They have been wonderful. We have about 70 or so of us at the hotel. Thats a lot of money. Do the math.
See I fixed his hair!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Tuesday Day 10 (Week 8)

Passsed the PT test! Most of our platoon did too. This has been quite the process. I am not 18 anymore. I shaved almost a minute off my time, 17:58, 2 mile.
More power point.
Talked over "pluralism". Got to deal with it, what it is, what it isn't, and how it relates to the Army.
We also got to get a look at the Navy and AirForce Chaplain programs. Very interesting! Check out the new Navy Camo. Very nice. If you fell off the boat you might be in trouble with blue camo.
We also learned a lot about Chaplain's Assistants. How to take care of the other half of the Unit Ministry Team (UMT's)
Got to do pushups for giving a bad hair cut. Oops. I'll fix it tonight. The hotel is grilling for us tonight. Pretty cool.

Monday Day 9 (week 8)

Late start today. 1-3 platoons had the PT test. Ours is tomorrow.
More Power point. Dealing with the decision making process, "ARMY style." There is a lot to learn in doing things the army way.
We also talked over privileged communication. It is good to know that we have 100% privileged communication as a chaplain when dealing with soldiers.
Got a picture from the Air force that is of one of our Chaplain Students doing a "ramp" ceremony with the Air Force.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sunday Day 8, Week 8

Another Lazy day. Did laundry, gave another haircut. I'm getting better and you can't beat the price. I watched the motel staff chase a water moccasin. To my knowledge they didn't get it. I guess I won't be going out. PT test for Platoons 1-3, we get to have a late start and do the PT test on tuesday. Hoping to do well. The ankle is pretty sore. In the overall scheme of things my foot is minor. But to me, when I am running, it's pretty major.

Saturday Day 7, week 7

A lazy day! It was just what the Dr. ordered. Nothing military other than doing homework. Nice.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Friday Day 6 week 7

An outstanding day!
Went for a run. Dusty delta run group ran 2 miles at a rate that will pass the PT test which is coming up. That is only if you are OLD, like me. I was thrilled. It has taken a long time after breaking my ankle to run a good time. I'm not 18 anymore.
Next I forgot a T-Shirt and there was no time to go back to the hotel (its graduation day for the Basic training units). A guy in the gym just handed me an extra t-shirt. He wasn't even a CHOBLC student. Just some army guy using the showers.
God is good. He looks after the forgetful and clumsy!
More classes. We did sacred communication. this is where chaplain students (us) get to critique a sermon given by a student. You would think it would be gentle. Not so much. We are all currently or just were seminary students. There are no punches pulled. Better have your game on! I wish things were a little more pastoral. There are guys here that have only preached a couple of times. They get slammed. So do the experienced preachers. I honestly have not heard a bad sermon yet.
We went to Outback for dinner. Man it's good to spend time with men (and women) of God.
The rest of the students went to a Chaplain event. Black tie and dress uniforms. Receiving lines and all. It was not mandatory, and cost money to go. I missed it.
Came back and talked theology, gave a haircut and prayed for a brother.
Thank you Lord.

Thursday Day 5 Week 7

Another good day.
It started with building a pyramid, or muscle failure PT. No joke. Try 7 pushup, then 12, then 15, then back down. Only resting while doing "modified cherry pickers" (not resting). Then doing sittups, crunches, rocky sittups, again with the same "rest" position. Try that for an hour or so. Easy right? It'll get ya.
Had to run back to the hotel after PT to get a pair of boots my buddy forgot. Nearly did not make it back, it was "family day" for the basic training people, hundreds of families trying to get on post to spend time with little jonnie. The gates were busy to say the least.
More death by powerpoint. But the classes are more practical. They are putting all the pieces together that they have been teaching for the whole time here.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Wednesday Day 4 Week 7

More "Death by power point."  Most of the day spent in classes.  The classes were pretty good.
We all got weighed in.  We also had a dress uniform inspection.  It seems like about half the people's uniforms were still getting prepared.  All in all a pretty good day.
Got to speak with the Assessions officer for active duty.  She is Pathfinder qualified and a master parachutist!  I have never heard of a female pathfinder, much less a chaplain.  
It was really good to find out how things really work, no more "armchair Lawyers."  It looks like it is almost time to start my packet for assessing as a chaplain next summer.  Wow we are almost there.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Tuesday Day 3 Week 7

A Pretty good day.
We took a "staff ride" to Charleston, SC.  A bit of a bumpy start.  Our buses didn't show till two hour late.  But we arrived.
We got to watch a "Ramp Ceremony".  This is a critical part of what military Chaplains do.  We are to honor the dead.  As Chaplains we must perform this with perfection.  It was nice to see it done (even if it was "practice") on an actual C-17 with an Air Force honor guard.  Sorry no pics, OPSEC.
We moved from there to Ft Sumter.  This is where the "first shots" of the war of northern aggression (that's what they call it down here) were fired.  Truth be told, it happened in Kansas, but that's what the park rangers said, I didn't argue.
It was a good trip.  Much lower stress level and everyone seemed to have a good time.  We got to meet a WW2 Vet that was related to one of the Cadre.  That was special.  It is cool to meet someone that has been there and done that and it was the carrier he was on.  The Yorktown that served in the pacific theater of WW2 and is now located there in Charleston harbor.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Monday Day 2 (week 7)

A Very Rude awakening!

Wow, what a day.  PT at "O" dark thirty.  I finished, but I am smoked. 
We watched a "Ramp" ceremony for bringing a "coffin" onto the plane.  It was real neat to see the Chaplain walk through the process that he had been through quite a few times before.  You could see the passion that this is VERY important for a Chaplain to get right!

The CHOBLC has change drastically from years past.  This is much closer to what I anticipated from CIMT (or "O" phase).  I will give it some more time before I pass judgement on things.  But the days of easy low stress CHOBLC appear to be a thing of the past.  Don't know why.  I am sure things will be apparent shortly.

Tomorrow should be a better day.  More to follow.

Sunday Day 1 (week 7)

Signed in and had some briefings today.  Somehow I went off and forgot my copies of my orders.  Not a good way to start.  Be that guy!
There is a significant difference in the "air" of CHOBLC than 21 months ago.  The staff is completely different.  It is also a huge class.  We have the phase 2 and 3 people that just showed up from previous classes being added to the already huge class that is staying for the whole course.  It is bound to be different.  Also we are staying off post at a hotel instead of the officers housing.  

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Low stress day in Macon GA

We had a low stress day in Macon GA.  We met Roger's Mom and went to Bass Pro.  

Friday, July 10, 2009

Part 2 Off again

Its off to South Carolina and Army Chaplain School for Phases 2 and 3.  I report on Sunday.  We Roger and I will take the scenic route and visit family.