Thursday, July 23, 2009

Thursday Day 12 Week 8

Parris Island.
We were in formation at 4:40 AM to load busses at 5:00 AM. But we drove to Parris Island Marine recruit depot to find out how Chaplain's work with marines. The Marines don't have chaplain's so the Navy provides them. You can see that the Chaplain's that volunteer to work with marines LOVE their marines. Pretty cool.
It was a long day. We got to play basic training a bit. Not to bad though. It was just lunch. It was a Marine chow hall. Several of the prior service marines were having "flash backs" to their "FUN" experience they had at Parris Island. I am pretty sure they are VERY glad that the Army chaplaincy is not like that.
Forgot the camera, I will try and get pics from others. Later.
Did you know that a chipmunks memory only lasts three days? gotta love animal planet.

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