Monday, July 13, 2009

Monday Day 2 (week 7)

A Very Rude awakening!

Wow, what a day.  PT at "O" dark thirty.  I finished, but I am smoked. 
We watched a "Ramp" ceremony for bringing a "coffin" onto the plane.  It was real neat to see the Chaplain walk through the process that he had been through quite a few times before.  You could see the passion that this is VERY important for a Chaplain to get right!

The CHOBLC has change drastically from years past.  This is much closer to what I anticipated from CIMT (or "O" phase).  I will give it some more time before I pass judgement on things.  But the days of easy low stress CHOBLC appear to be a thing of the past.  Don't know why.  I am sure things will be apparent shortly.

Tomorrow should be a better day.  More to follow.

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