Saturday, August 01, 2009

Friday Day 20, Week 9

Morning PT. Run day. Tried to move up to Charlie group. Probably not the best idea. Fortunately I was the "rear road guard" and had to stay with some others that tried to move from Delta to Charlie. I'm trying to improve my run. It is just a long process.
Got to give my sermon. I guess 5 hours of prep time was just not sufficient. I get to do it again. Several comments that it was a "Bible study" and not a Sermon. Not sure what that means. I guess being conversational makes you not laying down the goods. I also said "Umm" about 38 times. Oops. That won't pass here.
Got to go to the Muslim service. We were "observers" and not participants. Which was fine. It was very interesting. Pretty good message. Encouraging people to be full time muslims and bridge builders. Not part time muslims and prejudice. Kinda like part time Christians and hypocrites. Most of it could have been given in any church in america. Well except for the stuff about Muhammad. I was pleasantly surprised by the respect given to Jesus. He is considered a high level prophet, that will come back from the dead.
I was able to go to a Buddhist "service" this evening. Very interesting. We were more participants than in the muslim service. But we were encouraged that we could pray to God while they were meditating on "nothing". They were of the "whatever works for you" philosophy. It was very educational. They were from the Zen school. Respect is very important.
I'm smoked!

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