Monday, August 03, 2009

Monday Day 23 Week 10

Morning PT. Run Day. A tough day in ability group D. Friday I tried to keep up with C and got smoked. Move down and got smoked again. We have some people that need to move up in ability groups. Oh well, it was a good run even if my legs felt like rubber afterwards.

Most of the day spent learning about doing military memorial services and ceremonies. These are "graded events" for chaplains. It is what we do. If we mess one of these up, it will not go well for our careers. They are very serious about teaching us the RIGHT way to do it. I appreciate it. It still made for a long day. As you can see from the pics. All during breaks of course.

We are going to have a long week this week. It will be capped with the PT test on friday. Time to put up. We did the "diagnostic" PT test a couple of weeks ago. Now is time to do it for real. I want to improve on my score. But passing will suffice. My ankle feels pretty good ( superior through superior chemistry).

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