Sunday, September 30, 2007

Day 15 (week 3)

Well today was an "off" day. Which means we were busy. We went to 3 services. A protestant, an LDS and a Pentecostal. Talk about opposites. I really enjoyed the protestant service. It was packed with new recruits. They may have been just trying to get away from their drill sergeants, maybe they really wanted to be there. I don't know. They really got into it. A good service.

The other two services were interesting. The Pentecostal was pretty wild. They "sang" most everything that happened. Man they know how to get a congregation going. I'm not sure that is a service that I would like every Sunday. But it was interesting to go to.

The LDS was very different for me. I had never been to anything quite like that. I found it to be very educational. I suppose that is why were are doing this exercise. To expose us to a variety of worship styles and religions. We are expected to minister to soldiers that are of a different background than us. We are here to allow for the freedom of religion of our soldiers. So a basic knowledge is good thing. I think it is kinda hard to explain exactly how it works. I have a clear view in my head though.

Then we had a formation to get us ready for the field. Make sure we have all of our toys.

Nate is ok. He is home from the hospital. He had pneumonia (still has). They gave him some breathing treatments. Mom and nate are doing much better.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Day 14 (week 2)

Well here is a strange day. We were off. Slept in. A good start to the day.
Then I went to tail gate at a South Carolina football game with my sister and brother-in-law. This is not normal "tail gating". This is how the other half does it. We spent the day moving from gathering to gathering in a high rise building right across from the stadium. People that buy apartments for a 6 or 7 weekends a year. And spend 20,000 per parking space cause they don't want to walk or pay 20 bucks for parking. Unreal. Not a world I live in. But fun.
We got to look down on the commoners that came and went from the stadium.Then I got a call saying that my 1 year old, Nate, was on his way to the hospital with pneumonia. I really wish I could hop on a plane and go. I can't. But I want to. This is not easy. They say he is OK.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Day 13 (Week 2)

Here are some pictures that we recieved from the staff. Yes the one standing on the casualty is me. Hey, he made it across didn't he? I was just to short to reach the wire. Lack of planning on my part.
It's the end of week 2. We ended the week at Golden Corral. Our Platoon all went out. A good time.
We had more class time. Learning about land navigation. We have some really good NCO's (Sergeants) that led the class. They are not our Cadre, but they run our ranges. So we see them a lot. They gave us a ton of pictures. They make up most of "Week 2 part 2". Check it out. Lots of pics.
More Pop PT. A good run. We get the weekend off. Well mostly, we will go to various services. But we get to rest.
It's a long funny story (which I'm not going to tell). But suffice it to say I ended up in the mental health section having a Major taking me to the side, asking me if I was "OK!" I escaped!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Bonus Blog

Chaplain and chaplain candidate wives
My wife is doing a blog as well. She calls it her thankful blog. She wants to get connected with as many wives as possible. She is new to this whole thing, both military and the chaplaincy. And information for her is a good thing. Kinda work on supporting each other.
Her email is

Day 12 (week 2)

I did not throw up! I made it through the "gas chamber". The last couple of times I went through the gas chamber I tossed my cookies and was sick for a couple of days. Not today. I feel pretty good all things considered. Tired and sore to be sure. But in good shape.
The gas chamber was pretty short and sweet. We were done quickly. Nobody panicked and had to be tackled. It was not fun by any stretch. Lots of snot, burning eyes and skin. But nothing really bad.
Things have ratcheted up a notch. We had been receiving a lot of grace. That time is passed. It is time for us to behave as officers and chaplains in the United States Army. And I believe we will. If we do not we will pay in sweat! As we should and have. We must be professional.
This afternoon we got a class on a radio that we will be using. I carried the same radio for a year and learned quite a bit from the class. They really are pretty amazing radios. Heavy! I don't miss carrying it at all.
Quite a few guys got military issue glasses. We call them BC glasses (birth control glasses, you do the math). Pretty funny. but they can see, a good thing.
Tomorrow we will finally do PT as a platoon. It should be pretty good. More briefings and then we should be off. Too cool! I think everyone is pretty tired.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Day 11 (week 2)

Today's blog rambles a bit. Sorry.
Life is a road. A road (unless you live in Kansas) is never flat. Full of ups and downs. Today was a road. And I like to drive.
We went to the gas chamber today. We did not get "gassed". But we did learn how to put on the mask and a lot about how to deal with the frightening prospect of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical warfare. I learned just enough to pray that that's not where we want to be. Loved the gas masks in the latrines (porta johns).
Fought a loosing battle with the "Z monster"( I kept trying to fall asleep in the class) not that it was not interesting, I was just very tired. But I was not the only one. Had a friend of mine almost fall asleep standing up. That would have been a great picture!
We got to do another road march. I'm now a road guard. Which means I am a speed bump placed out in traffic to protect the rest of the platoon when we march or run. A lot of extra running. Actually it is not bad. I need to run anyhow. I get to see everyone in my platoon quite a few times during the march. Not sure how far it was. A mile and a half, maybe 2? not sure. But not bad. Still not a fan of the Flak Vest.
We had an opportunity to be brought back into "focus." It is easy for us to think that we have it all figured out. We really have done very well. With our small class size and older students we are pretty responsible. But we are still in a military school. And there is bearing that must be maintained. Bearing can only be maintained with discipline. Discipline can be subtle or when that fails, it must be direct. We did a little extra PT.
We have an amazing bunch of guys and girls. It is an honor to be here with them. We also have an amazing Cadre (staff) that is focused on training us to be chaplains. Not just ministers, but military officers. That's important. Because to be a chaplain requires both. It is a balance. Most of us have the pastoral stuff down. We sometimes need help with the chaplain side. We have the "pick of the litter" for our staff. These chaplains and assistants have been there and done that all over the world. They are the best of the best. And they are the ones that are training us. We are doubly blessed.
Hopefully tomorrow we will keep the valleys a bit shallower. Hooah?
Oh on the slightly funny side. I got salutes from 2 drill sergeants. That is the first time I have ever taken sadistic glee in salutes. Maybe I just have issues with my past. I thought it was funny.
I also had a strange experience with a group of basic training students. I walked past them and man did they pop to and salute. But there was no pleasure in it. There was fear in their eyes. I remember that fear. I suppose it is a part of army life? What is the mix when you are looking at ministering to soldiers? I have always avoided officers. Now I am one. Strange.
Prepare for some good pictures tomorrow. We will get gassed. It is no joke. The pictures will be unedited. I might censor them, but then again I might not! Snot from your nose to the ground! Good training! We will see if I am this positive when I am coming out?

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Day 10 (week 2)

Today was another "team building" event. We got to do some obstacles that really challenged the mind. It required leadership and planning to get your team of 6 through each situation. I'm not going to try and explain it. But suffice it to say "don't touch the white" and don't step in the sand. Get to the other side, taking all of you people and equipment!
We also got to road march with our flak vests (in the picture). I don't care what people say about these necessary pieces of equipment, they are hot! And not the good kind. Not sure how much they weigh, but with the "plates" in them, and you can see they were, they are not fun.
Got to do POP Pt(extra) tonight. Good stuff! Excellent workout. Not a smoke session. My wife is not going to recognize me. Actually with the "basic" hair cut, she might not. But once again part of the deal.
Had a convocation (google it) and sang the army song. Also had a class or two.
Oh typing is really hard with my thumb all bandaged. I smashed it pretty good. It was not a good day for some of us grunts(infantry). Oh well. Waaaaa!
All things considered, a good day.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Day 9 (week 2)

Today was another good one. We went to the confidence course. It ended up being not so much an obstacle course, as a team building event. We did a few "rope" things, a "full metal jacket" tower, a series of walls and a Team Tower event. You cannot make it up the tower without your buddies. Trust is vital (as is strength and a bit of intelligence). We road marched out there and back. Not far. We are operating on the crawl, walk, run philosophy. So we will gradually get tougher.
We got a good briefing from the CHOBLC Commandant. Very motivating. We also got to see the Chaplain museum. Very cool
Lots of hair cuts tonight. The good kind! straight clippers without a guard=NO HAIR!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Day 8 pt 2

Are we having fun yet? We just had our "accountability" formation. Checked out our gear and did some PT. Just for fun! We were told not to "take it personally". Good advice. Everything we do is according to a schedule. They also succeed when we succeed.
We then did "over the head arm claps", flutter kicks and the pushup! Good stuff.
Tomorrow we get to do the confidence course (obstacle course). Drink water, its going to be hot. More pics to come.....

Day 8 1/2

It's Sunday morning. I am going to do an "extra". Yesterday was a good day. I am glad that I was able to share it with people via this blog. But probably the main reason for this is so that I can share it with my family. Maybe I am just feeling sappy this morning. Maybe I just miss my wife and kids. I don't know. I just wish I could share more of this adventure with them. They are part of it to be sure. But somehow they have to ride in back, and I have to tell them about it. I suppose that is how life is. It does not make me not "wish" things could be a bit different.
My wife sent me some pictures of my boys playing in a blackhawk helicopter at a large Tulsa church. It was cool. My wife is doing well. So are my three boys. It does not stop me from wanting to be part of what is going on. I guess I missed part of their adventure too.
Happy 4th Birthday JD!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Day 7

We get paid for this! Unbelievable! We got to go to victory tower. Fun stuff.
It was a good, short day. Now we are off for the rest of the weekend. This is not basic training! It's fun. Although we did have to "march" to victory tower (about a mile, maybe), it was pretty hot, so we got a ride back. not a bad day at all.
I wish I could have "aussied" (reppelling "face first"). We did get a demonstration. Cool.
Just check the box in the upper left for 200+ pics

Friday, September 21, 2007

Day 6

This is not basic training! But we do work hard. Lots of marching. Did I mention lots of marching? I think everyone's dogs (feet) are barking (hurting). Trashed my boots. Not good.
PT test in the early morning. I guesss Pop (extra PT) PT will be a good thing after my run (which did not go so well). We "get" an extra session each evening. But most of us are in the same boat for one reason or another.
Well tonight is getting some real food, laundry and we get to sleep in tommorow (Hooah). Then to victory tower (repelling) all afternoon. Sweet! we will have some good pics then.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Day 5

Two of our instructors directing a demonstration of the pushup. Pretty funny. You can't see his arms "shaking". Should have won an oscar!

Well another good day. We had a lot of briefings today. We finally got to wear the uniform. It felt good. We have a great bunch of guys. Most of our guys are prior service. One was in the coast guard during Vietnam! needless to say we are an older group. A great group.
We are supposed to visit services here on post. I am very excited about visiting the jewish and the Muslim service.
Tommorow is the diagnostic PT test. I am not looking forward to it. I really want to do well. But it is going to be difficult, especially the 2 mile run.
We have great staff. They seem to really want us to succeed. Very different than other military schools that seemed to want to make it difficult or only allow a certain number to pass.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Day 4

Lots of time at the Doctor. Shots and exams. Nothing to bad. Several Briefings. We spent some more time putting our TA-50 (pack, webbing, helmet) together.

-Things will pick up steam tommorow. We will finally get to wear our uniforms. I've worn it before, but tommorow I believe it will be different.

We had a devotion this morning prior to the first formation. Man it really set off the day to a good start. I also got a bit more sleep. that may have helped too. Everyone seems to be getting adjusted to life here and getting excited about what's next for everyone. 15 or so will be going on active duty. 7 or so will be full chaplains in the reserves or guard. the rest are chaplain candidates (like me). We are part of something bigger than ourselves. Exciting!

Friday is the PT (physical fitness test). A very important day for everyone. It will also signify a change in how our instructors deal with us. Can you say pushups?

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Day 3

Another pretty low stress day. Long, but not bad.
Showed up at early for formation and a short drive to CIF. There we were issued TA-50(back pack and web gear, flak vest, Kevlar helmet, sleeping bag and a gas mask)
Chapel, then some SPAM training.
Our afternoon was spent putting stuff together. Then we headed over to the PT field to get used to pt sessions later on. It was pretty funny to see 20 odd vehicles in a convoy trying to follow each other through Ft Jackson.
Tomorrow we report at even earlier. Each day there are a few people late. They don't seem to get that if you're late, we have to show up early the next day. I hope we learn to be on time. It is not that difficult. We will be in civilian clothes for one more day.
I am the S-3 for my platoon. I have to know everything that is going on with everybody all the time....
I'm tired an will head to bed after a short run.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Day 2

First full day of Choblc.
Had briefings on finance. Filled out a lot of forms all morning
Went to the "Clothing and Sales". Man was I glad I spent my time on eBay! Watched all of the guys that spent a ton of money on uniforms. I spent 7 bucks on a PT shirt.
First formation was pretty earkt. Several late people, guess what formation even earlier? Hope we learn! I like my sleep.
Still in Civilian clothes. We should be in uniform in a couple of days.
The PT test is on Friday. Life will change drastically after that I am sure.
Haven't taken pics yet. But I will do better.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Day 1

My rooms
I'm finally here! It it has been quite a road.
Drove from Tulsa to Greenville yesterday. Up at 4AM, 937 miles later and 14hrs later (does that up?) I may have been speeding just a bit. I did pull over at 5:30AM and sleep for 30 minutes.
Arrived at Ft Jackson (Columbia). Checked into Dozier Hall. Very nice accommodations. A suite. Full kitchen, bedroom, and a small living room. Individual rooms.
Reported in civilian clothes. 45 of us in the course. We have some pretty squared away NCO's (non-commissioned officers, Staff Sergeants). We did some paperwork, got split up into platoons (2), and they released us. No stress at all! Kinda surprising. Still waiting for some harassment. I think everyone is a little nervous. Not bad. We were done by 5:00 pm.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


I am finally getting ready to go to CHOBLC (chaplain basic training). This has been a 2 1/2 year odyssey that started at the Purpose Driven conference in California. God sure has a sense of humor with the many things that have happened. I won't lie and say that I would like to go through some of the things again. But, other things that I would not change for anything.
Sorry, those are mine. I'm not telling. :)
God is on His throne and has something cool in mind. I think it is pretty cool to think that He might use a broken toy like myself.

My plan is to give a day by day account of CHOBLC (or at least every couple of days). That way those that are looking forward will have some way to know what is around the bend for them. Plus, there are people that might be interested in what I am up to.

I am done with my ADSW (temp active duty) chaplain recruiting duty. I will be off to Ft. Jackson, SC for 7 weeks of basic training. When I get done at the end of October, I will go back to work as a Jeweler and full time seminary in January.