Sunday, September 23, 2007

Day 8 1/2

It's Sunday morning. I am going to do an "extra". Yesterday was a good day. I am glad that I was able to share it with people via this blog. But probably the main reason for this is so that I can share it with my family. Maybe I am just feeling sappy this morning. Maybe I just miss my wife and kids. I don't know. I just wish I could share more of this adventure with them. They are part of it to be sure. But somehow they have to ride in back, and I have to tell them about it. I suppose that is how life is. It does not make me not "wish" things could be a bit different.
My wife sent me some pictures of my boys playing in a blackhawk helicopter at a large Tulsa church. It was cool. My wife is doing well. So are my three boys. It does not stop me from wanting to be part of what is going on. I guess I missed part of their adventure too.
Happy 4th Birthday JD!

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