Wednesday, September 12, 2007


I am finally getting ready to go to CHOBLC (chaplain basic training). This has been a 2 1/2 year odyssey that started at the Purpose Driven conference in California. God sure has a sense of humor with the many things that have happened. I won't lie and say that I would like to go through some of the things again. But, other things that I would not change for anything.
Sorry, those are mine. I'm not telling. :)
God is on His throne and has something cool in mind. I think it is pretty cool to think that He might use a broken toy like myself.

My plan is to give a day by day account of CHOBLC (or at least every couple of days). That way those that are looking forward will have some way to know what is around the bend for them. Plus, there are people that might be interested in what I am up to.

I am done with my ADSW (temp active duty) chaplain recruiting duty. I will be off to Ft. Jackson, SC for 7 weeks of basic training. When I get done at the end of October, I will go back to work as a Jeweler and full time seminary in January.

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