Thursday, September 20, 2007

Day 5

Two of our instructors directing a demonstration of the pushup. Pretty funny. You can't see his arms "shaking". Should have won an oscar!

Well another good day. We had a lot of briefings today. We finally got to wear the uniform. It felt good. We have a great bunch of guys. Most of our guys are prior service. One was in the coast guard during Vietnam! needless to say we are an older group. A great group.
We are supposed to visit services here on post. I am very excited about visiting the jewish and the Muslim service.
Tommorow is the diagnostic PT test. I am not looking forward to it. I really want to do well. But it is going to be difficult, especially the 2 mile run.
We have great staff. They seem to really want us to succeed. Very different than other military schools that seemed to want to make it difficult or only allow a certain number to pass.

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